One thing at the heart of any startup from launch to success is growth. What is growth? Some people say it's revenue, some people say it's Whatsapp Database profit, and some people say it's market share. In fact, they are all right, but these are all based on one basic element, that is, users. Therefore, the essence of enterprise growth is the Whatsapp Database growth of users, and then there will be revenue growth, profit growth, and market share growth. As a tool and mental model, how does the reserve pool help companies achieve growth? The answer is to follow the AARRR model.
The AARRR model is actually a user operation model, and the essence of the reserved pool thinking is also the user thinking, emphasizing the Whatsapp Database user-centered design of traffic operations, and paying attention to traffic circulation, thus forming a reserved pool. Next, we will explain how the five links of new generation, promotion, retention, transformation, and fission reflect the thinking of the reserve pool. 01 Pull new: find new users Whatsapp Database Regarding the definition of attracting new users, many people equate it with growth, but in actual operation, attracting new users is only a part of growth, and attracting new users cannot be equated with achieving growth.
There are two main reasons. First of all, in the process of pulling new users, users need to be screened, and only when a real user is found can the new pull be completed. Under these conditions, new purchases can equal growth, but the retention Whatsapp Database rate at this time is very low, or even no retention, and can only be realized directly. Such situations are rare and the model is not healthy. If a company is in this growth model, it will soon be eliminated from the market. Therefore, the essence of attracting new users is to find new users , and in the Whatsapp Database process of finding new users, there will be three links: channel selection, content attraction, and distribution and drainage.