Masilova M. G. as part of the professional development of personnel identifies the following areas: vocational qualification - the acquisition of new knowledge, skills and abilities of professional activity; professional and official - career advancement; personal-professional - an integrative dynamic process associated with changes in the professional and personal characteristics of an employee, providing a new level of his needs, opportunities for self-realization and self-development.
Thus, the professional development of personnel, in addition to training, also includes career planning and management processes. Its goal is to achieve high efficiency in production or provision whatsapp mobile number list of services, increase the competitiveness of the organization. The professional development of staff also allows employees to perform tasks of greater complexity and maximize their abilities. Types and directions of personnel training Kibanov A. Ya. identifies the following three types of staff training : training - organized and systematic training of qualified personnel for all spheres of human activity.
Who have the necessary set of knowledge, skills, abilities and ways of communication; advanced training - training of personnel aimed at improving existing knowledge, skills and methods of communication in connection with changes in the requirements for the profession or promotion; retraining - personnel training aimed at obtaining new knowledge, skills and ways of communication, which is carried out in connection with mastering another profession or for obtaining new additional qualifications in connection with the requirements of scientific and technological progress, structural changes in production, etc.